Query parsed to: "term posit"
1 - 7 of 7 results (Page 1 of 1)

5.8 : Summary

starts on page 193 in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...This chapter has covered some diverse ground, highlighting Lucene's additional built-in search features. Sorting is a dramatic new enhancement that gives you control over the ordering of search results. The new SpanQuery family leverages term-position information for greater searching precision ... and scalable architectures. And finally, the new term vector feature enables interesting effects, such as "like this" term vector angle calculations. Is this the end of the searching story? Not quite...

4.2.1 : What's in a token?

starts on page 108 under section 4.2 (Analyzing the analyzer) in chapter 4 (Analysis)

... to the index as a term. This distinction between tokens and terms may seem confusing at first. Let's see what forms a Token; we'll come back to how that translates into a term. For example, let's analyze ... in the original text, a token type, and a position increment. Figure 4.1 shows the details of the token stream analyzing this phrase with the SimpleAnalyzer. Figure 4.1 Token stream with positional and offset information The start offset is the character position in the original text where the token text...

Incorrect figure reference

On page 406 (under Term Positions) the second paragraph refers to figure B.4. The reference should be to figure B.3. There is no figure B.4. Thanks to Ira Goldstein for reporting this issue. [Permalink]

5.2 : Using PhrasePrefixQuery

starts on page 157 in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

..., closely related to PhraseQuery. PhrasePrefixQuery allows multiple terms per position, effectively the same ... PhraseQuery, but with a twist: Each term position of the query can have multiple terms. This has ... be new Term("field", "quick"), in first position to match new Term("field", "fast") }); query.add(new Term("field", "fox")); Only one in second position Hits hits = searcher.search(query); assertEquals ... or more terms to a PhrasePrefixQuery instance in order: public void testBasic() throws Exception...

8.7.2 : Highlighting Hits

starts on page 303 under section 8.7 (Highlighting query terms) in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)

... the original text was tokenized during indexing. However, during indexing, the positional information is discarded (that is, the character position of each term in the original text, but the term position ... ); TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term("title", "action")); Hits hits = searcher.search(query...


starts on page 416

... 406 JTidy 242-245 at TheServerSide 373 term positions 406 indexing HTML with browsing tool ... 351 position gaps 136 Arabic 359 cell phone, T9 WordNet positional gap issues 138 architecture interface ... similarity 351 coordination, query term 79 DocSearcher 264 FuzzyEnum 350 Cozens, Simon 318 Document ... 352 E definitions 292 database 8 expense 372 indexing 362 Egothor 24 term highlighting 300 primary key ... 20-22 highlighting, query terms range queries 96 appending to 33 300-303, 343 used with DateFilter...

Appendix B : Lucene index format

starts on page 394

...) file contains entries for each occurrence of the term within a document. Term positions The .prx file lists the position of each term within a document. The position information is used when queries ... positions, for each occurrence of the term junit. The first occurrence is in document 5 (Java Development ... . Phrase and span queries need not look for positional information if the term itself isn't present ... terms encapsulated in the Query object to one of IndexSearcher's search methods. The results...