Query parsed to: toomanyclaus
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3.4.4 : Combining queries: BooleanQuery

starts on page 85 under section 3.4 (Creating queries programmatically) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

... performance. A TooManyClauses exception is thrown if the maximum is exceeded. It may seem... [Full sample chapter]

6.5.1 : Testing the speed of a search

starts on page 213 under section 6.5 (Performance testing) in chapter 6 (Extending search)

....BooleanQuery$TooManyClauses at org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery.add(BooleanQuery.java:109) at org ... 2,000 documents are attempted it fails horribly with a TooManyClauses exception. Testing...


starts on page 416

...A StandardAnalyzer 120 TooManyClauses StopAnalyzer 119 exception 215 abbreviation, handling 355 subword 357 used with PhraseQuery 158 accuracy 360 using WordNet 296 boosting 79 Ackley, Ryan 250 visualizing 112 documents 377 Adobe Systems 235 WhitespaceAnalyzer 104 documents and fields 38-39 agent, distributed 349 with QueryParser 72 BrazilianAnalyzer 282 AliasAnalyzer 364 Ant Alias-i 361 building Lucene 391 C Almaer, Dion 371 building Sandbox 310 alternative spellings 354 indexing a fileset...