Query parsed to: explain
1 - 20 of 20 results (Page 1 of 1)

3.3.1 : Lucene, you got a lot of `splainin' to do!

starts on page 80 under section 3.3 (Understanding Lucene scoring) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

... Explanation. IndexSearcher has an explain method, which requires a Query and a document ID and returns ... : public class Explainer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: Explainer "); System.exit(1); } String ... explanation = searcher.explain(query, hits.id(i)); Generate System.out.println... [Full sample chapter]

3.5.3 : Grouping

starts on page 95 under section 3.5 (Parsing query expressions: QueryParser) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

...); assertHitsIncludeTitle(hits, "Extreme Programming Explained"); assertHitsIncludeTitle(hits, "The Pragmatic Programmer... [Full sample chapter]

5.1.3 : Sorting by index order

starts on page 153 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

.../programming Extreme Programming Explained 199910 8 0.062685 /technology/computers/programming/methodology...

4.1 : Using analyzers

starts on page 104 in chapter 4 (Analysis)

.... Section 4.2.3 explains more of the details of what happened. Lucene doesn't make the results...

5.1.4 : Sorting by a field

starts on page 154 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... 198001 4 0.086743 /technology/computers/programming/education Extreme Programming Explained...

5.1.5 : Reversing sort order

starts on page 154 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... 200208 5 0.086743 /technology/computers/programming Extreme Programming Explained 199910 8 0.062685 /technology...

1.4.1 : Creating an index

starts on page 12 under section 1.4 (Lucene in action: a sample application) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

...In this section you'll see a single class called Indexer and its four static methods; together, they recursively traverse file system directories and index all files with a .txt extension. When Indexer completes execution it leaves behind a Lucene index for its sibling, Searcher (presented in section 1.4.2). We don't expect you to be familiar with the few Lucene classes and methods used in this example--we'll explain them shortly. After the annotated code listing, we show you how to use Indexer... [Full sample chapter]

5.1.6 : Sorting by multiple fields

starts on page 155 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... Mindstorms 198001 4 0.086743 /technology/computers/programming/education Extreme Programming Explained...

5.5.2 : Using QueryFilter

starts on page 173 under section 5.5 (Filtering a search) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... which contains a single book. We explain the last assertion of testQueryFilter() shortly, in section...

8.2.1 : lucli: a command-line interface

starts on page 269 under section 8.2 (Interacting with an index) in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)

... the number of hits for a search. Example: count foo explain: Explanation that describes how the document scored against query. Example: explain foo help: Display help about commands. index: Choose ... for each document. Verbose! Example: tokens foo lucli> explain dog Search, and Searching for: syn:dog word:dog explain results 1 total matching documents Searching for: word:dog...

5.7.1 : Books like this

starts on page 186 under section 5.7 (Leveraging term vectors) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... Development with Ant -> Lucene in Action -> JUnit in Action -> Extreme Programming Explained JUnit ... Explained -> The Pragmatic Programmer -> Java Development with Ant Tapestry in Action None like this The Pragmatic Programmer -> Extreme Programming Explained If you'd like to see the actual query used...

3.4.4 : Combining queries: BooleanQuery

starts on page 85 under section 3.4 (Creating queries programmatically) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

...(enlightenmentBooks); assertHitsIncludeTitle(hits, "Extreme Programming Explained"); assertHitsIncludeTitle... [Full sample chapter]

4.2.2 : TokenStreams uncensored

starts on page 109 under section 4.2 (Analyzing the analyzer) in chapter 4 (Analysis)

...There are two different styles of TokenStreams: Tokenizer and TokenFilter. A good generalization to explain the distinction is that Tokenizers deal with indi- vidual characters, and TokenFilters deal with words. Figure 4.2 shows this archi- tecture graphically. A Tokenizer is a TokenStream that tokenizes the input from a Reader. When you're indexing a String through Field.Text(String, String) or Field. UnStored(String, String) (that is, the indexed field constructors which accept a String...

5.1.1 : Using a sort

starts on page 150 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...")); // System.out.println(searcher.explain(query, hits.id(i))); f } Explanation commented searcher...

5.1.2 : Sorting by relevance

starts on page 152 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

... Programming Explained 199910 8 0.062685 /technology/computers/programming/methodology The Pragmatic...

5.3 : Querying on multiple fields at once

starts on page 159 in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

..." in the subjects field assertHitsIncludeTitle(hits, "Extreme Programming Explained"); } public void...

5.4.1 : Building block of spanning, SpanTermQuery

starts on page 163 under section 5.4 (Span queries: Lucene's new hidden gem) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...); // System.out.println(searcher.explain(query, id)); } if (numSpans == 0) { System.out.println...

10.6.1 : Indexing content

starts on page 362 under section 10.6 (Artful searching at Michaels.com) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

.... The actual formula used by Michaels.com is a derivative of the formula explained at http://www.com- puphase...

about this book

starts on page xxv

..., we'll explain the Lucene API used in this test case later. Here we'll focus on the JUnit details ... /computers/programming lucene search Otis Gospodnetic, Erik Hatcher Extreme Programming Explained...

Appendix B : Lucene index format

starts on page 394

... it contain? In this section, we'll peek into a Lucene index and explain its structure. Lucene...