Query parsed to: +highlight +fragment
1 - 4 of 4 results (Page 1 of 1)
8.7.1 : Highlighting with CSS
starts on page 301 under section 8.7 (Highlighting query terms) in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)
... to 50, and a custom Formatter to style highlights with CSS. In our first example, only the best fragment was returned, but Highlighter shines in returning multiple fragments. HighlightIt, in listing 8.7, uses the Highlighter method to concatenate the best fragments with an ellipsis (...) separator ... deal with each fragment individually. Listing 8.7 Highlighting terms using cascading style sheets ... (formatter, scorer); Fragmenter fragmenter = new SimpleFragmenter(50); c Reduce default highlighter...
8.7 : Highlighting query terms
starts on page 300 in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)
... to highlight text based on a Lucene query. Figure 8.17 is an example of using Highlighter on a sample of text based on a term query for ipsum. The Highlighter code has recently evolved substantially into a sophisticated and flexible utility. The Highlighter includes three main pieces: Fragmenter ... implementation for ease of use. The simplest example of Highlighter returns the best fragment ... 1.1, includes up to three lines of the match- ing document highlighting the terms of the query. Often...
8.7.2 : Highlighting Hits
starts on page 303 under section 8.7 (Highlighting query terms) in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)
... SimpleAnalyzer().tokenStream("title", new StringReader(title)); String fragment = highlighter.getBestFragment(stream, title); System.out.println(fragment); } With our sample book index, the output ... ), it will be up to you to retrieve the text to be highlighted from its original source. If the original ... ); QueryScorer scorer = new QueryScorer(query); Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(scorer); for (int ... offsets are stored in the index). Because of the computational needs of highlighting, it should only...
starts on page 416
... 307 color for highlighting 300 Bialecki, Andrzej 271 distance formula 366 French 282 biomedical, use ... 27 Fragmenter 300 converting native files to DNA 354 FrenchAnalyzer 282 ASCII 142 Docco 265 fuzzy string ... with Luke 273 G CSS in highlighting 301 document handler Cutting, Doug 9 customizing for Ant 286 GCJ ... 352 E definitions 292 database 8 expense 372 indexing 362 Egothor 24 term highlighting 300 primary key ... 20-22 highlighting, query terms range queries 96 appending to 33 300-303, 343 used with DateFilter...