Query parsed to: java
1 - 20 of 115 results (Page 1 of 6)

10.3.6 : Summary

starts on page 344 under section 10.3 (Using Lucene in SearchBlox) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

...SearchBlox leverages the Lucene API to deliver a pure Java search tool. Using Lucene has allowed SearchBlox to focus on the designing the usability of the search tool rather than developing a new search API from scratch. With Java hav- ing become a widespread enterprise standard and the increasing requirement for search, SearchBlox will provide a truly usable search tool incorporating Lucene....

10.2.1 : Topic lexicons and document categorization

starts on page 330 under section 10.2 (Using Lucene at jGuru) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

...: 1 If there are no Java-related keywords in the post, ask the user to rephrase. 2 If the post uses terminology most ... that Java is the main topic and that there are subtopics such as JSP. First, I spidered the New ... our FAQ system, figuring that it was English+Java. Doing a fuzzy set difference, (Java+English)-English, should result in a set of Java- specific words. Using something like TFIDF (term frequency ... frequently it was used in the plain English text, the more likely it was to be a Java keyword...

1.5.4 : Document

starts on page 20 under section 1.5 (Understanding the core indexing classes) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

... with text. Lucene's core does not itself handle anything but java.lang.String and java.io.Reader ... Java type. You'll learn more about handling nontext documents in chapter 7. In our Indexer... [Full sample chapter]

1.0 : Meet Lucene

starts on page 3

... of competing Java/non-Java, free, and commercial products.... [Full sample chapter]

1.7.3 : Online resources

starts on page 27 under section 1.7 (Review of alternate search products) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

... language, licenses, and so on. If you're interested only in search software written in Java, visit http://www.searchtools.com/ tools/tools-java.html. We've provided positive reviews of some... [Full sample chapter]

3.5 : Parsing query expressions: QueryParser

starts on page 93 in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

...Although API-created queries can be powerful, it isn't reasonable that all queries should be explicitly written in Java code. Using a human-readable textual query representation, Lucene's QueryParser constructs one of the previously mentioned Query subclasses. This constructed Query instance could be a complex entity, con- sisting of nested BooleanQuerys and a combination of almost all the Query ... :[20040101 TO 20041231] Java AND (Jakarta OR Apache) This query searches for all books about Java that also... [Full sample chapter]

1.2.5 : Lucene ports: Perl, Python, C++, .NET, Ruby

starts on page 10 under section 1.2 (Understanding Lucene) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

...One way to judge the success of open source software is by the number of times it's been ported to other programming languages. Using this metric, Lucene is quite a success! Although the original Lucene is written in Java, as of this writing Lucene has been ported to Perl, Python, C++, and .NET, and some groundwork has been done to port it to Ruby. This is excellent news for developers who need to access Lucene indices from applications written in different languages. You can learn more about... [Full sample chapter]

10.3 : Using Lucene in SearchBlox

starts on page 341 in chapter 10 (Case studies)

...Contributed by Robert Selvaraj, SearchBlox Software Inc. When we started to design SearchBlox, we had one goal--to develop a 100% Java search tool that is simple to deploy and easy to manage. There are numerous search tools available in the market but few have been designed with the manage- ability of the tool in mind. With searching for information becoming an increas- ing part of our daily lives, it is our view that manageability is the key to the widespread adoption of search tools...

10.3.2 : SearchBlox architecture

starts on page 342 under section 10.3 (Using Lucene in SearchBlox) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

...Figure 10.1 shows the overall architecture of SearchBlox. Compared to Lucene, which is a text indexing and search API, SearchBlox is a complete search tool. It features integrated crawlers, support for different document types, provision for Figure 10.1 SearchBlox system architecture several languages, and customizable search results; all controlled from a browser- based Admin Console. As a pure Java solution, SearchBlox can be deployed to any Servlet/JSP container, giving the customer complete...

10.7 : I love Lucene: TheServerSide

starts on page 371 in chapter 10 (Case studies)

...Contributed by Dion Almaer "TheServerSide.com is an online community for enterprise Java architects and developers, providing daily news, tech talk interviews with key industry figures, design patterns, discussion forums, satire, tutorials, and more." --http://www.theserverside.com TheServerSide historically had a poor search engine. Thanks to Jakarta Lucene, we could fix the problem with a high quality open source solution. This case study discusses how TheServerSide implemented Lucene as its...

10.5.8 : References

starts on page 361 under section 10.5 (Alias-i: orthographic variation with Lucene) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

... Microsystems. 2003. J2EE Java Message Service (JMS). http://java.sun. com/products/jms/....

3.1.2 : Parsing a user-entered query expression: QueryParser

starts on page 72 under section 3.1 (Implementing a simple search feature) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

... d = hits.doc(0); assertEquals("Java Development with Ant", d.get("title")); query = QueryParser ... examples that QueryParser handles Query expression Matches documents that... java Contain the term java in the default field java junit Contain the term java or junit, or both, in the default fielda java or junit +java +junit Contain both java and junit in the default field java AND junit title:ant ... :"junit action"~5 Contain the terms junit and action within five positions of one another java* Contain... [Full sample chapter]

4.8.1 : Unicode and encodings

starts on page 140 under section 4.8 (Language analysis issues) in chapter 4 (Analysis)

...Internally, Lucene stores all characters in the standard UTF-8 encoding. Java frees us from many ... in external data in the many encodings. You, however, are responsible for getting external text into Java ... Sets (No Excuses!)" (http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/ Unicode.html) and the Java language Internationalization tutorial (http:// java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/i18n/intro/). Additionally, the next version of the Java language (code-named Tiger) transitions towards Unicode 4.0 support...

10.2.4 : Indexing and content preparation

starts on page 333 under section 10.2 (Using Lucene at jGuru) in chapter 10 (Case studies)

... later). Because jGuru knows the Java lexicon, I experimented with removing non-Java words during indexing/querying. As it turns out, users want to be able to find non- Java keywords such as broken as well as Java keywords, so this feature was removed. Stripping plurals definitely improved accuracy ... in java/JSP word.equals("its") ) { return word; } String newWord=word; if ( word.endsWith("sses...

1.2.1 : What Lucene is

starts on page 7 under section 1.2 (Understanding Lucene) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

...Lucene is a high performance, scalable Information Retrieval (IR) library. It lets you add indexing and searching capabilities to your applications. Lucene is a mature, free, open-source project implemented in Java; it's a member of the popular Apache Jakarta family of projects, licensed under ... , the most popular free Java IR library. NOTE Throughout the book, we'll use the term Information Retrieval ... into an application. Because Lucene is a Java library, it doesn't make assumptions about what it indexes... [Full sample chapter]

3.4.1 : Searching by term: TermQuery

starts on page 82 under section 3.4 (Creating queries programmatically) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)

...", "java"); A TermQuery accepts a single Term: Query query = new TermQuery(t); All documents that have the word java in a contents field are returned from searches using this TermQuery. Note that the value ... . The expression java creates a TermQuery, just as we did with the API in testKeyword.... [Full sample chapter]

10.0 : Case studies

starts on page 325

... solution that should help keep Google honest and on its toes. jGuru is focused on a single domain--Java--and has tuned its search engine specifically for Java syntax. SearchBlox delivers a product (limited ... you to easily find articles, reviews, and discussions about Java topics. If you're new to Lucene, read...

1.7.1 : IR libraries

starts on page 24 under section 1.7 (Review of alternate search products) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)

.... Egothor A full-text indexing and searching Java library, Egothor uses core algorithms that are very ... , PHP, and (soon) Java; remote index searching; and so on. In addition to providing an IR library ... . MG4J Although MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) isn't an IR library like Lucene, Egothor, and Xapian ... low-level support for building Java IR libraries. MG4J is named after a popular IR book, Managing... [Full sample chapter]

2.9.3 : Index locking

starts on page 62 under section 2.9 (Concurrency, thread-safety, and locking issues) in chapter 2 (Indexing)

... files are created in a computer's tem- porary directory as specified by Java's java.io.tmpdir system ... directory. This system property can be set programmatically using a Java API, or it can be set from ... = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir", "tmp") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "index"; dir ... resembles the following stack trace: java.io.IOException: Lock obtain timed out at org.apache.lucene.store.Lock.obtain(Lock.java:97) at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.(IndexWriter.java...

4.3.2 : StandardAnalyzer

starts on page 120 under section 4.3 (Using the built-in analyzers) in chapter 4 (Analysis)

...StandardAnalyzer holds the honor as the most generally useful built-in analyzer. A JavaCC-based2 grammar underlies it, tokenizing with cleverness for the following lexical types: alphanumerics, acronyms, company names, e-mail addresses, com- puter host names, numbers, words with an interior apostrophe, serial numbers, IP addresses, and CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) characters. StandardAnalyzer also 2 Java Compiler-Compiler (JavaCC) is a sophisticated lexical parser. See http://javacc.dev.java...







