Query parsed to: +plural +stripper
1 - 2 of 2 results (Page 1 of 1)
10.2.4 : Indexing and content preparation
starts on page 333 under section 10.2 (Using Lucene at jGuru) in chapter 10 (Case studies)
...: /** A useful, but not particularly efficient plural stripper */ public static String stripEnglishPlural(String word) { // too small? if ( word.length()PLURAL_MIN_WORD_SIZE ) { return word ... will not find good results. jGuru converts everything to lowercase, strips plurals, strips punctuation ... as well as Java keywords, so this feature was removed. Stripping plurals definitely improved accuracy...
10.2.5 : Queries
starts on page 335 under section 10.2 (Using Lucene at jGuru) in chapter 10 (Case studies)
...jGuru works hard to provide good, consistent search results. From carefully pre- pared indexes, jGuru grooms search words and translates them to Lucene-specific queries. This section summarizes how results are displayed, outlines how queries are generated, provides an English plural stripper, and finally characterizes jGuru search words from the year 2002. Search results display and search types Regardless of the source or type of entity, all results are normalized to show title, link, date...