Query parsed to: +revers +sort
1 - 4 of 4 results (Page 1 of 1)

5.1.5 : Reversing sort order

starts on page 154 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...> indicates that the pubmonth field is being sorted in reverse natural order (descending publication ... The default sort direction for sort fields (including relevance and document ID) is natural ... can be reversed per field. For example, here we list books with the newest publications first: example.displayHits(allBooks, new Sort("pubmonth", true)); Results for: pubmonth:[190001 TO 201012] sorted by "pubmonth"!, Title pubmonth id score Lucene in Action 200406 7 0.086743 /technology...

5.1.8 : Using a nondefault locale for sorting

starts on page 157 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...When you're sorting on a SortField.STRING type, order is determined under the covers using String.compareTo by default. However, if you need a different colla- tion order, SortField lets you specify ... ), and the Collator.compare method determines the sort order. There are two overloaded SortField ... SortField (String field, Locale locale, boolean reverse) Both of these constructors imply the SortField.STRING type because locale applies only to string-type sorting, not to numerics....

5.1.6 : Sorting by multiple fields

starts on page 155 under section 5.1 (Sorting search results) in chapter 5 (Advanced search techniques)

...Implicitly we've been sorting by multiple fields, since the Sort object appends a sort by document ID in appropriate cases. You can control the sort fields explic- itly using an array of SortFields. This example uses category as a primary alpha- betic sort, with results within category sorted by score; finally, books with equal score within a category are sorted by decreasing publication month: example.displayHits(allBooks, new Sort(new SortField[]{ new SortField("category"), SortField.FIELD...


starts on page 416

... 277 using 75 handling 354 .fnm file 405 IndexWriter 19 support 343 for sorting 41 addDocument 106 LARM ... 217 users of 10 NGramQuery 358 of sorting 157 what it is 7 NGramSearcher 358 SearchBlox case study ... with SearchBlox 341 SortField 200-201 extending 203-209 score 70, 77-78 sorting field selection ... and formula 78 by multiple fields 155 prefix queries 99 scrolling. See paging by relevance 152 sorting ... 300 performance 157 PhrasePrefixQuery 159 Tomcat reversing 154 with PhraseQuery 133 demo application...