Query parsed to: wildcard
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3.5.7 : Wildcard and prefix queries
starts on page 99 under section 3.5 (Parsing query expressions: QueryParser) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)
...If a term contains an asterisk or a question mark, it's considered a Wildcard- Query. When the term only contains a trailing asterisk, QueryParser optimizes it to a PrefixQuery instead. Both prefix and
wildcard queries are lowercased by default, but this behavior can be controlled: public void ... construct your own instance of QueryParser rather than use the static parse method.
Wildcards ... leading
wildcards (at the expense of per- formance). Section 3.4.6 discusses more about the performance... [
Full sample chapter]
3.4.6 : Searching by wildcard: WildcardQuery
starts on page 90 under section 3.4 (Creating queries programmatically) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)
Wildcard queries let you query for terms with missing pieces but still find matches. Two standard
wildcard characters are used: * for zero or more characters, and ? for zero or one character. Listing ... the
wildcard pattern is created as a Term (the pattern to match) even though it isn't explicitly used ...
wildcard character) decreases the terms enumerated to find matches. Beginning a pattern with a
wild- card query forces the term enumeration to search all terms in the index for matches. Oddly... [
Full sample chapter]
6.3.2 : Prohibiting fuzzy and wildcard queries
starts on page 204 under section 6.3 (Extending QueryParser) in chapter 6 (Extending search)
... and wildcard queries by taking advantage of the Parse- Exception option. Listing 6.5 Disallowing wildcard and fuzzy queries public class CustomQueryParser extends QueryParser { public ... getWildcardQuery( String field, String termStr) throws ParseException { throw new ParseException("Wildcard ... users from executing wildcard and fuzzy queries, construct an instance of CustomQueryParser and use ... ("Wildcard queries should not be allowed"); } catch (ParseException expected) { // expected assertTrue...
1.3.2 : What is searching?
starts on page 11 under section 1.3 (Indexing and searching) in chapter 1 (Meet Lucene)
... of text. Support for single and multiterm queries, phrase queries,
wildcards, result ranking... [
Full sample chapter]
10.7.4 : Searching the index
starts on page 377 under section 10.7 (I love Lucene: TheServerSide) in chapter 10 (Case studies)
... dis- ables the useful, yet expensive, wildcard and fuzzy queries. The last thing we want is for someone ... (String field, String term) throws ParseException { throw new ParseException("Wildcard Query not allowed...
6.3 : Extending QueryParser
starts on page 203 in chapter 6 (Extending search)
...In section 3.5, we introduced QueryParser and showed that it has a few settings to control its behavior, such as setting the locale for date parsing and controlling the default phrase slop. QueryParser is also extensible, allowing subclassing to override parts of the query-creation process. In this section, we demonstrate sub- classing QueryParser to disallow inefficient wildcard and fuzzy queries, custom date-range handling, and morphing phrase queries into SpanNearQuerys instead...
6.5 : Performance testing
starts on page 213 in chapter 6 (Extending search)
...Lucene is fast and scalable. But how fast is it? Is it fast enough? Can you guaran- tee that searches are returned within a reasonable amount of time? How does Lucene respond under load? If your project has high performance demands, you've done the right thing by choosing Lucene, but don't let performance numbers be a mystery. There are sev- eral ways Lucene's performance can be negatively impacted by how you use it-- like using fuzzy or wildcard queries or a range query, as you'll see...
3.5.6 : Phrase queries
starts on page 98 under section 3.5 (Parsing query expressions: QueryParser) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)
... 4.3.2 on StandardAnalyzer). A common question is why the asterisk isn't interpreted as a
wildcard query... [
Full sample chapter]
4.1.2 : QueryParser analysis
starts on page 106 under section 4.1 (Using analyzers) in chapter 4 (Analysis)
..., and other special expression syntax to denote range, wildcard, and fuzzy searches. QueryParser analyzes all...
6.0 : Extending search
starts on page 194
... such as wildcard and fuzzy queries. Custom filters allow infor- mation from outside the index to factor...
6.3.1 : Customizing QueryParser's behavior
starts on page 203 under section 6.3 (Extending QueryParser) in chapter 6 (Extending search)
... ranges by padding to match how numbers were indexed getWildcardQuery(String field, Wildcard queries can...
3.1.2 : Parsing a user-entered query expression: QueryParser
starts on page 72 under section 3.1 (Implementing a simple search feature) in chapter 3 (Adding search to your application)
... to OR). These settings also include locale (for date parsing), default phrase slop, and whether to lowercase
wildcard... [
Full sample chapter]
8.7 : Highlighting query terms
starts on page 300 in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)
... be rewritten in its most primitive form for Query- Scorer to be happy. For example, wildcard, fuzzy...
8.6.3 : Calling on Lucene
starts on page 297 under section 8.6 (Synonyms from WordNet) in chapter 8 (Tools and extensions)
... that exact matches come first) and a wildcard query match- ing words with one or two more...
starts on page 416
... distance 195 Keyword fields 122 affected by HitCollector 203 by index order 153 lowercasing wildcard...